Source code for sense_emu.stick

# vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 fileencoding=utf-8:
# Raspberry Pi Sense HAT Emulator library for the Raspberry Pi
# Copyright (c) 2016 Raspberry Pi Foundation <>
# This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>

from __future__ import (
native_str = str
str = type('')

import io
import os
import sys
import glob
import errno
import struct
import select
import inspect
import socket
from functools import wraps
from collections import namedtuple
from threading import Thread, Event
    from queue import Queue, Empty
    from Queue import Queue, Empty # py2.x
from time import sleep

DIRECTION_UP     = 'up'

ACTION_PRESSED  = 'pressed'
ACTION_RELEASED = 'released'
ACTION_HELD     = 'held'

[docs]class InputEvent(namedtuple('InputEvent', ('timestamp', 'direction', 'action'))): """ A :func:`~collections.namedtuple` derivative representing a joystick event. The following attributes are present: .. attribute:: timestamp The time at which the event occurred, represented as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch (same output as :func:`~time.time`). .. attribute:: direction The direction in which the joystick was pushed (or released from), as one of the constants :data:`DIRECTION_UP`, :data:`DIRECTION_DOWN`, :data:`DIRECTION_LEFT`, :data:`DIRECTION_RIGHT`, :data:`DIRECTION_MIDDLE` .. attribute:: action The action that occurred, as one of the constants :data:`ACTION_PRESSED`, :data:`ACTION_RELEASED`, or :data:`ACTION_HELD`. """
def stick_address(): """ Return the socket address used represent the state of the emulated sense HAT's joystick. On UNIX we try ``/dev/shm`` then fall back to ``/tmp`` (UNIX sockets); on Windows we use localhost. """ fname = 'rpi-sense-emu-stick' if sys.platform.startswith('win'): # use UDP sockets on Windows return (socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, ('', 53753)) else: # use UNIX sockets everywhere else if os.path.exists('/dev/shm'): return (socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, os.path.join('/dev/shm', fname)) else: return (socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, os.path.join('/tmp', fname)) def init_stick_client(): """ Opens a socket representing the state of the joystick as a series of evdev events. A file-like object is returned (readable like the character device representing the real joystick). A background thread is spawned to take care of connecting to the stick server (and to automatically handle re-connections in the case of termination). The thread is marked as a daemon thread so it won't prevent script shutdown. """ family, sock_type, addr = stick_address() client = socket.socket(family, sock_type) if family == socket.AF_INET: client.bind(('', 0)) elif family == socket.AF_UNIX: fname = 'rpi-sense-emu-client-%d' % os.getpid() addr_path = os.path.dirname(addr) try: os.unlink(os.path.join(addr_path, fname)) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise client.bind(os.path.join(addr_path, fname)) if not client.getsockname(): raise RuntimeError('Failed to create client socket for stick emulation') # Start up a background thread which persistently attempts to connect to # the server and pings it with "hello" to notify it that we want stick # events. This must be persistent in case the emulating client is stopped # and restarted def ping_server(): while True: try: client.connect(addr) client.send(b'hello') except socket.error as e: if e.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTCONN, errno.ECONNREFUSED): raise sleep(1) thread = Thread(target=ping_server) thread.daemon = True thread.start() # Construct file object on top of the socket which we'll return as the # result return client.makefile('rb', 0)
[docs]class SenseStick(object): """ Represents the joystick on the Sense HAT. """ SENSE_HAT_EVDEV_NAME = 'Raspberry Pi Sense HAT Joystick' EVENT_FORMAT = native_str('llHHI') EVENT_SIZE = struct.calcsize(EVENT_FORMAT) EV_KEY = 0x01 STATE_RELEASE = 0 STATE_PRESS = 1 STATE_HOLD = 2 KEY_UP = 103 KEY_LEFT = 105 KEY_RIGHT = 106 KEY_DOWN = 108 KEY_ENTER = 28 def __init__(self): self._stick_file = self._stick_device() self._callbacks = {} self._callback_thread = None self._callback_event = Event() def close(self): if self._stick_file: self._callbacks.clear() self._start_stop_thread() self._stick_file.close() self._stick_file = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self.close() def _stick_device(self): """ Discovers the filename of the evdev device that represents the Sense HAT's joystick. """ return init_stick_client() def _read(self): """ Reads a single event from the joystick, blocking until one is available. Returns ``None`` if a non-key event was read, or an :class:`InputEvent` tuple describing the event otherwise. """ event = (tv_sec, tv_usec, type, code, value) = struct.unpack(self.EVENT_FORMAT, event) if type == self.EV_KEY: return InputEvent( timestamp=tv_sec + (tv_usec / 1000000), direction={ self.KEY_UP: DIRECTION_UP, self.KEY_DOWN: DIRECTION_DOWN, self.KEY_LEFT: DIRECTION_LEFT, self.KEY_RIGHT: DIRECTION_RIGHT, self.KEY_ENTER: DIRECTION_MIDDLE, }[code], action={ self.STATE_PRESS: ACTION_PRESSED, self.STATE_RELEASE: ACTION_RELEASED, self.STATE_HOLD: ACTION_HELD, }[value]) else: return None def _wait(self, timeout=None): """ Waits *timeout* seconds until an event is available from the joystick. Returns ``True`` if an event became available, and ``False`` if the timeout expired. """ r, w, x =[self._stick_file], [], [], timeout) return bool(r) def _wrap_callback(self, fn): # Shamelessley nicked (with some variation) from GPIO Zero :) @wraps(fn) def wrapper(event): return fn() if fn is None: return None elif not callable(fn): raise ValueError('value must be None or a callable') elif inspect.isbuiltin(fn): # We can't introspect the prototype of builtins. In this case we # assume that the builtin has no (mandatory) parameters; this is # the most reasonable assumption on the basis that pre-existing # builtins have no knowledge of InputEvent, and the sole parameter # we would pass is an InputEvent return wrapper else: # Try binding ourselves to the argspec of the provided callable. # If this works, assume the function is capable of accepting no # parameters and that we have to wrap it to ignore the event # parameter try: inspect.getcallargs(fn) return wrapper except TypeError: try: # If the above fails, try binding with a single tuple # parameter. If this works, return the callback as is inspect.getcallargs(fn, ()) return fn except TypeError: raise ValueError( 'value must be a callable which accepts up to one ' 'mandatory parameter') def _start_stop_thread(self): if self._callbacks and not self._callback_thread: self._callback_event.clear() self._callback_thread = Thread(target=self._callback_run) self._callback_thread.daemon = True self._callback_thread.start() elif not self._callbacks and self._callback_thread: self._callback_event.set() self._callback_thread.join() self._callback_thread = None def _callback_run(self): while not self._callback_event.wait(0): event = self._read() if event: callback = self._callbacks.get(event.direction) if callback: callback(event) callback = self._callbacks.get('*') if callback: callback(event)
[docs] def wait_for_event(self, emptybuffer=False): """ Waits until a joystick event becomes available. Returns the event, as an :class:`InputEvent` tuple. If *emptybuffer* is ``True`` (it defaults to ``False``), any pending events will be thrown away first. This is most useful if you are only interested in "pressed" events. """ if emptybuffer: while self._wait(0): self._read() while self._wait(): event = self._read() if event: return event
[docs] def get_events(self): """ Returns a list of all joystick events that have occurred since the last call to :meth:`get_events`. The list contains events in the order that they occurred. If no events have occurred in the intervening time, the result is an empty list. """ result = [] while self._wait(0): event = self._read() if event: result.append(event) return result
@property def direction_up(self): """ The function to be called when the joystick is pushed up. The function can either take a parameter which will be the :class:`InputEvent` tuple that has occurred, or the function can take no parameters at all. Assign ``None`` to prevent this event from being fired. """ return self._callbacks.get(DIRECTION_UP) @direction_up.setter def direction_up(self, value): self._callbacks[DIRECTION_UP] = self._wrap_callback(value) self._start_stop_thread() @property def direction_down(self): """ The function to be called when the joystick is pushed down. The function can either take a parameter which will be the :class:`InputEvent` tuple that has occurred, or the function can take no parameters at all. Assign ``None`` to prevent this event from being fired. """ return self._callbacks.get(DIRECTION_DOWN) @direction_down.setter def direction_down(self, value): self._callbacks[DIRECTION_DOWN] = self._wrap_callback(value) self._start_stop_thread() @property def direction_left(self): """ The function to be called when the joystick is pushed left. The function can either take a parameter which will be the :class:`InputEvent` tuple that has occurred, or the function can take no parameters at all. Assign ``None`` to prevent this event from being fired. """ return self._callbacks.get(DIRECTION_LEFT) @direction_left.setter def direction_left(self, value): self._callbacks[DIRECTION_LEFT] = self._wrap_callback(value) self._start_stop_thread() @property def direction_right(self): """ The function to be called when the joystick is pushed right. The function can either take a parameter which will be the :class:`InputEvent` tuple that has occurred, or the function can take no parameters at all. Assign ``None`` to prevent this event from being fired. """ return self._callbacks.get(DIRECTION_RIGHT) @direction_right.setter def direction_right(self, value): self._callbacks[DIRECTION_RIGHT] = self._wrap_callback(value) self._start_stop_thread() @property def direction_middle(self): """ The function to be called when the joystick middle click is pressed. The function can either take a parameter which will be the :class:`InputEvent` tuple that has occurred, or the function can take no parameters at all. Assign ``None`` to prevent this event from being fired. """ return self._callbacks.get(DIRECTION_MIDDLE) @direction_middle.setter def direction_middle(self, value): self._callbacks[DIRECTION_MIDDLE] = self._wrap_callback(value) self._start_stop_thread() @property def direction_any(self): """ The function to be called when the joystick is used. The function can either take a parameter which will be the :class:`InputEvent` tuple that has occurred, or the function can take no parameters at all. This event will always be called *after* events associated with a specific action. Assign ``None`` to prevent this event from being fired. """ return self._callbacks.get('*') @direction_any.setter def direction_any(self, value): self._callbacks['*'] = self._wrap_callback(value) self._start_stop_thread()
class StickServer(object): def __init__(self): family, sock_type, addr = stick_address() server = socket.socket(family, sock_type) if family == socket.AF_UNIX: try: # Kill any pre-existing socket os.unlink(addr) except OSError: pass server.bind(addr) self._stop = Event() self._queue = Queue() self._thread = Thread(target=self._serve, args=(server,)) self._thread.daemon = True self._thread.start() def _serve(self, server): try: clients = set() while not self._stop.wait(0): # Pick up any new clients waiting to receive events while[server], [], [], 0)[0]: data, addr = server.recvfrom(64) if data == b'hello': clients.add(addr) try: # Grab any data waiting to be sent to clients; we put the # only pause for the thread here to ensure timely response # to events being placed in the queue buf = self._queue.get(timeout=0.1) except Empty: pass else: # Send the event to all connected clients (pruning any that # fail) for client in list(clients): try: server.sendto(buf, client) except socket.error as e: if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ECONNREFUSED): clients.remove(client) finally: family = addr = server.getsockname() server.close() if family == socket.AF_UNIX: # Only works because socket name is guaranteed to be absolute os.unlink(addr) def close(self): if self._thread: self._stop.set() self._thread.join() def send(self, buf): self._queue.put(buf)