Source code for sense_emu.sense_hat

# vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 fileencoding=utf-8:
# Raspberry Pi Sense HAT Emulator library for the Raspberry Pi
# Copyright (c) 2016 Raspberry Pi Foundation <>
# This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>


from __future__ import (
nstr = str
str = type('')

import struct
import os
import sys
import math
import time
import numpy as np
import shutil
import glob
import array
import struct
import subprocess
import warnings
from PIL import Image  # pillow
from copy import deepcopy

from . import RTIMU
from .lock import EmulatorLock
from .stick import SenseStick
from .screen import init_screen, GAMMA_DEFAULT, GAMMA_LOW

[docs]class SenseHat(object): """ The main interface the Raspberry Pi Sense HAT. This class provides properties to query the various sensors on the Sense HAT (:attr:`temp`, :attr:`pressure`, :attr:`humidity`, :attr:`gyro`, etc.) and methods to control the LED "screen" on the HAT (:meth:`set_pixel`, :meth:`set_pixels`). The *imu_settings_file* parameter specifies the base name of the configuration file used to calibrate the sensors on the HAT. An ".ini" suffix will be implicitly added to this filename. If a file with the resulting name is present in :file:`~/.config/sense_hat`, it will be used in the configuration. Otherwise, the file will be located within :file:`/etc`, and will be copied to :file:`~/.config/sense_hat` before use. The *text_assets* parameter provides the base name of the PNG image and text file which will be used to define the font used by the :meth:`show_message` method. """ SENSE_HAT_FB_NAME = 'RPi-Sense FB' SENSE_HAT_FB_FBIOGET_GAMMA = 61696 SENSE_HAT_FB_FBIOSET_GAMMA = 61697 SENSE_HAT_FB_FBIORESET_GAMMA = 61698 SENSE_HAT_FB_GAMMA_DEFAULT = 0 SENSE_HAT_FB_GAMMA_LOW = 1 SENSE_HAT_FB_GAMMA_USER = 2 SETTINGS_HOME_PATH = '.config/sense_hat' def __init__( self, imu_settings_file='RTIMULib', text_assets='sense_hat_text' ): lock = EmulatorLock('sense_emu') if not lock.wait(1): warnings.warn(Warning('No emulator detected; spawning sense_emu_gui')) subprocess.Popen(['sense_emu_gui']) self._fb_device = self._get_fb_device() if self._fb_device is None: raise OSError('Cannot detect %s device' % self.SENSE_HAT_FB_NAME) # 0 is With B+ HDMI port facing downwards pix_map0 = np.array([ [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23], [24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31], [32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39], [40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47], [48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55], [56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63] ], int) pix_map90 = np.rot90(pix_map0) pix_map180 = np.rot90(pix_map90) pix_map270 = np.rot90(pix_map180) self._pix_map = { 0: pix_map0, 90: pix_map90, 180: pix_map180, 270: pix_map270 } self._rotation = 0 # Load text assets dir_path = os.path.dirname(__file__) self._load_text_assets( os.path.join(dir_path, '%s.png' % text_assets), os.path.join(dir_path, '%s.txt' % text_assets) ) # Load IMU settings and calibration data self._imu_settings = self._get_settings_file(imu_settings_file) self._imu = RTIMU.RTIMU(self._imu_settings) self._imu_init = False # Will be initialised as and when needed self._pressure = RTIMU.RTPressure(self._imu_settings) self._pressure_init = False # Will be initialised as and when needed self._humidity = RTIMU.RTHumidity(self._imu_settings) self._humidity_init = False # Will be initialised as and when needed self._last_orientation = {'pitch': 0, 'roll': 0, 'yaw': 0} raw = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0} self._last_compass_raw = deepcopy(raw) self._last_gyro_raw = deepcopy(raw) self._last_accel_raw = deepcopy(raw) self._compass_enabled = False self._gyro_enabled = False self._accel_enabled = False self._stick = SenseStick() #### # Text assets #### # Text asset files are rotated right through 90 degrees to allow blocks of # 40 contiguous pixels to represent one 5 x 8 character. These are stored # in a 8 x 640 pixel png image with characters arranged adjacently # Consequently we must rotate the pixel map left through 90 degrees to # compensate when drawing text def _load_text_assets(self, text_image_file, text_file): """ Internal. Builds a character indexed dictionary of pixels used by the show_message function below """ text_pixels = self.load_image(text_image_file, False) with open(text_file, 'r') as f: loaded_text = self._text_dict = {} for index, s in enumerate(loaded_text): start = index * 40 end = start + 40 char = text_pixels[start:end] self._text_dict[s] = char def _trim_whitespace(self, char): # For loading text assets only """ Internal. Trims white space pixels from the front and back of loaded text characters """ psum = lambda x: sum(sum(x, [])) if psum(char) > 0: is_empty = True while is_empty: # From front row = char[0:8] is_empty = psum(row) == 0 if is_empty: del char[0:8] is_empty = True while is_empty: # From back row = char[-8:] is_empty = psum(row) == 0 if is_empty: del char[-8:] return char def _get_settings_file(self, imu_settings_file): """ Internal. Logic to check for a system wide RTIMU ini file. This is copied to the home folder if one is not already found there. """ ini_file = '%s.ini' % imu_settings_file home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~') home_path = os.path.join(home_dir, self.SETTINGS_HOME_PATH) if not os.path.exists(home_path): os.makedirs(home_path) home_file = os.path.join(home_path, ini_file) home_exists = os.path.isfile(home_file) system_file = os.path.join('/etc', ini_file) system_exists = os.path.isfile(system_file) if system_exists and not home_exists: shutil.copyfile(system_file, home_file) return RTIMU.Settings(os.path.join(home_path, imu_settings_file)) # RTIMU will add .ini internally def _get_fb_device(self): """ Internal. Finds the correct frame buffer device for the sense HAT and returns its /dev name. """ fd = init_screen() result = fd.close() return result #### # Joystick #### @property def stick(self): """ A :class:`SenseStick` object representing the Sense HAT's joystick. """ return self._stick #### # LED Matrix #### @property def rotation(self): return self._rotation @rotation.setter def rotation(self, r): self.set_rotation(r, True)
[docs] def set_rotation(self, r=0, redraw=True): """ Sets the LED matrix rotation for viewing, adjust if the Pi is upside down or sideways. 0 is with the Pi HDMI port facing downwards """ if r in self._pix_map.keys(): if redraw: pixel_list = self.get_pixels() self._rotation = r if redraw: self.set_pixels(pixel_list) else: raise ValueError('Rotation must be 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees')
def _pack_bin(self, pix): """ Internal. Encodes python list [R,G,B] into 16 bit RGB565 """ r = (pix[0] >> 3) & 0x1F g = (pix[1] >> 2) & 0x3F b = (pix[2] >> 3) & 0x1F bits16 = (r << 11) + (g << 5) + b return struct.pack('H', bits16) def _unpack_bin(self, packed): """ Internal. Decodes 16 bit RGB565 into python list [R,G,B] """ output = struct.unpack('H', packed) bits16 = output[0] r = (bits16 & 0xF800) >> 11 g = (bits16 & 0x7E0) >> 5 b = (bits16 & 0x1F) return [int(r << 3), int(g << 2), int(b << 3)]
[docs] def flip_h(self, redraw=True): """ Flip LED matrix horizontal """ pixel_list = self.get_pixels() flipped = [] for i in range(8): offset = i * 8 flipped.extend(reversed(pixel_list[offset:offset + 8])) if redraw: self.set_pixels(flipped) return flipped
[docs] def flip_v(self, redraw=True): """ Flip LED matrix vertical """ pixel_list = self.get_pixels() flipped = [] for i in reversed(range(8)): offset = i * 8 flipped.extend(pixel_list[offset:offset + 8]) if redraw: self.set_pixels(flipped) return flipped
[docs] def set_pixels(self, pixel_list): """ Accepts a list containing 64 smaller lists of ``[R,G,B]`` pixels and updates the LED matrix. R,G,B elements must intergers between 0 and 255 """ if len(pixel_list) != 64: raise ValueError('Pixel lists must have 64 elements') for index, pix in enumerate(pixel_list): if len(pix) != 3: raise ValueError('Pixel at index %d is invalid. Pixels must contain 3 elements: Red, Green and Blue' % index) for element in pix: if element > 255 or element < 0: raise ValueError('Pixel at index %d is invalid. Pixel elements must be between 0 and 255' % index) with open(self._fb_device, 'rb+') as f: map = self._pix_map[self._rotation] for index, pix in enumerate(pixel_list): # Two bytes per pixel in fb memory, 16 bit RGB565[index // 8][index % 8] * 2) # row, column f.write(self._pack_bin(pix))
[docs] def get_pixels(self): """ Returns a list containing 64 smaller lists of ``[R,G,B]`` pixels representing what is currently displayed on the LED matrix """ pixel_list = [] with open(self._fb_device, 'rb') as f: map = self._pix_map[self._rotation] for row in range(8): for col in range(8): # Two bytes per pixel in fb memory, 16 bit RGB565[row][col] * 2) # row, column pixel_list.append(self._unpack_bin( return pixel_list
[docs] def set_pixel(self, x, y, *args): """ Updates the single ``[R,G,B]`` pixel specified by x and y on the LED matrix Top left = 0,0 Bottom right = 7,7 e.g. ap.set_pixel(x, y, r, g, b) or pixel = (r, g, b) ap.set_pixel(x, y, pixel) """ pixel_error = 'Pixel arguments must be given as (r, g, b) or r, g, b' if len(args) == 1: pixel = args[0] if len(pixel) != 3: raise ValueError(pixel_error) elif len(args) == 3: pixel = args else: raise ValueError(pixel_error) if x > 7 or x < 0: raise ValueError('X position must be between 0 and 7') if y > 7 or y < 0: raise ValueError('Y position must be between 0 and 7') for element in pixel: if element > 255 or element < 0: raise ValueError('Pixel elements must be between 0 and 255') with open(self._fb_device, 'rb+') as f: map = self._pix_map[self._rotation] # Two bytes per pixel in fb memory, 16 bit RGB565[y][x] * 2) # row, column f.write(self._pack_bin(pixel))
[docs] def get_pixel(self, x, y): """ Returns a list of [R,G,B] representing the pixel specified by x and y on the LED matrix. Top left = 0,0 Bottom right = 7,7 """ if x > 7 or x < 0: raise ValueError('X position must be between 0 and 7') if y > 7 or y < 0: raise ValueError('Y position must be between 0 and 7') pix = None with open(self._fb_device, 'rb') as f: map = self._pix_map[self._rotation] # Two bytes per pixel in fb memory, 16 bit RGB565[y][x] * 2) # row, column pix = self._unpack_bin( return pix
[docs] def load_image(self, file_path, redraw=True): """ Accepts a path to an 8 x 8 image file and updates the LED matrix with the image """ if not os.path.exists(file_path): raise IOError('%s not found' % file_path) img ='RGB') pixel_list = list(map(list, img.getdata())) if redraw: self.set_pixels(pixel_list) return pixel_list
[docs] def clear(self, *args): """ Clears the LED matrix with a single colour, default is black / off e.g. ap.clear() or ap.clear(r, g, b) or colour = (r, g, b) ap.clear(colour) """ black = (0, 0, 0) # default if len(args) == 0: colour = black elif len(args) == 1: colour = args[0] elif len(args) == 3: colour = args else: raise ValueError('Pixel arguments must be given as (r, g, b) or r, g, b') self.set_pixels([colour] * 64)
def _get_char_pixels(self, s): """ Internal. Safeguards the character indexed dictionary for the show_message function below """ if len(s) == 1 and s in self._text_dict.keys(): return list(self._text_dict[s]) else: return list(self._text_dict['?'])
[docs] def show_message( self, text_string, scroll_speed=.1, text_colour=[255, 255, 255], back_colour=[0, 0, 0] ): """ Scrolls a string of text across the LED matrix using the specified speed and colours """ # We must rotate the pixel map left through 90 degrees when drawing # text, see _load_text_assets previous_rotation = self._rotation self._rotation -= 90 if self._rotation < 0: self._rotation = 270 dummy_colour = [None, None, None] string_padding = [dummy_colour] * 64 letter_padding = [dummy_colour] * 8 # Build pixels from dictionary scroll_pixels = [] scroll_pixels.extend(string_padding) for s in text_string: scroll_pixels.extend(self._trim_whitespace(self._get_char_pixels(s))) scroll_pixels.extend(letter_padding) scroll_pixels.extend(string_padding) # Recolour pixels as necessary coloured_pixels = [ text_colour if pixel == [255, 255, 255] else back_colour for pixel in scroll_pixels ] # Shift right by 8 pixels per frame to scroll scroll_length = len(coloured_pixels) // 8 for i in range(scroll_length - 8): start = i * 8 end = start + 64 self.set_pixels(coloured_pixels[start:end]) time.sleep(scroll_speed) self._rotation = previous_rotation
[docs] def show_letter( self, s, text_colour=[255, 255, 255], back_colour=[0, 0, 0] ): """ Displays a single text character on the LED matrix using the specified colours """ if len(s) > 1: raise ValueError('Only one character may be passed into this method') # We must rotate the pixel map left through 90 degrees when drawing # text, see _load_text_assets previous_rotation = self._rotation self._rotation -= 90 if self._rotation < 0: self._rotation = 270 dummy_colour = [None, None, None] pixel_list = [dummy_colour] * 8 pixel_list.extend(self._get_char_pixels(s)) pixel_list.extend([dummy_colour] * 16) coloured_pixels = [ text_colour if pixel == [255, 255, 255] else back_colour for pixel in pixel_list ] self.set_pixels(coloured_pixels) self._rotation = previous_rotation
@property def gamma(self): with open(self._fb_device, 'rb') as f: return struct.unpack(nstr('32B'), @gamma.setter def gamma(self, buffer): if len(buffer) is not 32: raise ValueError('Gamma array must be of length 32') if not all(b <= 31 for b in buffer): raise ValueError('Gamma values must be bewteen 0 and 31') if not isinstance(buffer, array.array): buffer = array.array(nstr('B'), buffer) with open(self._fb_device, 'rb+') as f: f.write(struct.pack(nstr('32B'), *buffer))
[docs] def gamma_reset(self): """ Resets the LED matrix gamma correction to default """ self.gamma = GAMMA_DEFAULT
@property def low_light(self): return self.gamma == tuple(GAMMA_LOW) @low_light.setter def low_light(self, value): if value: self.gamma = GAMMA_LOW else: self.gamma = GAMMA_DEFAULT #### # Environmental sensors #### def _init_humidity(self): """ Internal. Initialises the humidity sensor via RTIMU """ if not self._humidity_init: self._humidity_init = self._humidity.humidityInit() if not self._humidity_init: raise OSError('Humidity Init Failed') def _init_pressure(self): """ Internal. Initialises the pressure sensor via RTIMU """ if not self._pressure_init: self._pressure_init = self._pressure.pressureInit() if not self._pressure_init: raise OSError('Pressure Init Failed')
[docs] def get_humidity(self): """ Returns the percentage of relative humidity """ self._init_humidity() # Ensure humidity sensor is initialised humidity = 0 data = self._humidity.humidityRead() if (data[0]): # Humidity valid humidity = data[1] return humidity
@property def humidity(self): return self.get_humidity()
[docs] def get_temperature_from_humidity(self): """ Returns the temperature in Celsius from the humidity sensor """ self._init_humidity() # Ensure humidity sensor is initialised temp = 0 data = self._humidity.humidityRead() if (data[2]): # Temp valid temp = data[3] return temp
[docs] def get_temperature_from_pressure(self): """ Returns the temperature in Celsius from the pressure sensor """ self._init_pressure() # Ensure pressure sensor is initialised temp = 0 data = self._pressure.pressureRead() if (data[2]): # Temp valid temp = data[3] return temp
[docs] def get_temperature(self): """ Returns the temperature in Celsius """ return self.get_temperature_from_humidity()
@property def temp(self): return self.get_temperature_from_humidity() @property def temperature(self): return self.get_temperature_from_humidity()
[docs] def get_pressure(self): """ Returns the pressure in Millibars """ self._init_pressure() # Ensure pressure sensor is initialised pressure = 0 data = self._pressure.pressureRead() if (data[0]): # Pressure valid pressure = data[1] return pressure
@property def pressure(self): return self.get_pressure() #### # IMU Sensor #### def _init_imu(self): """ Internal. Initialises the IMU sensor via RTIMU """ if not self._imu_init: self._imu_init = self._imu.IMUInit() if self._imu_init: self._imu_poll_interval = self._imu.IMUGetPollInterval() * 0.001 # Enable everything on IMU self.set_imu_config(True, True, True) else: raise OSError('IMU Init Failed')
[docs] def set_imu_config(self, compass_enabled, gyro_enabled, accel_enabled): """ Enables and disables the gyroscope, accelerometer and/or magnetometer input to the orientation functions """ # If the consuming code always calls this just before reading the IMU # the IMU consistently fails to read. So prevent unnecessary calls to # IMU config functions using state variables self._init_imu() # Ensure imu is initialised if (not isinstance(compass_enabled, bool) or not isinstance(gyro_enabled, bool) or not isinstance(accel_enabled, bool)): raise TypeError('All set_imu_config parameters must be of boolean type') if self._compass_enabled != compass_enabled: self._compass_enabled = compass_enabled self._imu.setCompassEnable(self._compass_enabled) if self._gyro_enabled != gyro_enabled: self._gyro_enabled = gyro_enabled self._imu.setGyroEnable(self._gyro_enabled) if self._accel_enabled != accel_enabled: self._accel_enabled = accel_enabled self._imu.setAccelEnable(self._accel_enabled)
def _read_imu(self): """ Internal. Tries to read the IMU sensor three times before giving up """ self._init_imu() # Ensure imu is initialised attempts = 0 success = False while not success and attempts < 3: success = self._imu.IMURead() attempts += 1 time.sleep(self._imu_poll_interval) return success def _get_raw_data(self, is_valid_key, data_key): """ Internal. Returns the specified raw data from the IMU when valid """ result = None if self._read_imu(): data = self._imu.getIMUData() if data[is_valid_key]: raw = data[data_key] result = { 'x': raw[0], 'y': raw[1], 'z': raw[2] } return result
[docs] def get_orientation_radians(self): """ Returns a dictionary object to represent the current orientation in radians using the aircraft principal axes of pitch, roll and yaw """ raw = self._get_raw_data('fusionPoseValid', 'fusionPose') if raw is not None: raw['roll'] = raw.pop('x') raw['pitch'] = raw.pop('y') raw['yaw'] = raw.pop('z') self._last_orientation = raw return deepcopy(self._last_orientation)
@property def orientation_radians(self): return self.get_orientation_radians()
[docs] def get_orientation_degrees(self): """ Returns a dictionary object to represent the current orientation in degrees, 0 to 360, using the aircraft principal axes of pitch, roll and yaw """ orientation = self.get_orientation_radians() for key, val in orientation.items(): deg = math.degrees(val) # Result is -180 to +180 orientation[key] = deg + 360 if deg < 0 else deg return orientation
def get_orientation(self): return self.get_orientation_degrees() @property def orientation(self): return self.get_orientation_degrees()
[docs] def get_compass(self): """ Gets the direction of North from the magnetometer in degrees """ self.set_imu_config(True, False, False) orientation = self.get_orientation_degrees() if type(orientation) is dict and 'yaw' in orientation.keys(): return orientation['yaw'] else: return None
@property def compass(self): return self.get_compass()
[docs] def get_compass_raw(self): """ Magnetometer x y z raw data in uT (micro teslas) """ raw = self._get_raw_data('compassValid', 'compass') if raw is not None: self._last_compass_raw = raw return deepcopy(self._last_compass_raw)
@property def compass_raw(self): return self.get_compass_raw()
[docs] def get_gyroscope(self): """ Gets the orientation in degrees from the gyroscope only """ self.set_imu_config(False, True, False) return self.get_orientation_degrees()
@property def gyro(self): return self.get_gyroscope() @property def gyroscope(self): return self.get_gyroscope()
[docs] def get_gyroscope_raw(self): """ Gyroscope x y z raw data in radians per second """ raw = self._get_raw_data('gyroValid', 'gyro') if raw is not None: self._last_gyro_raw = raw return deepcopy(self._last_gyro_raw)
@property def gyro_raw(self): return self.get_gyroscope_raw() @property def gyroscope_raw(self): return self.get_gyroscope_raw()
[docs] def get_accelerometer(self): """ Gets the orientation in degrees from the accelerometer only """ self.set_imu_config(False, False, True) return self.get_orientation_degrees()
@property def accel(self): return self.get_accelerometer() @property def accelerometer(self): return self.get_accelerometer()
[docs] def get_accelerometer_raw(self): """ Accelerometer x y z raw data in Gs """ raw = self._get_raw_data('accelValid', 'accel') if raw is not None: self._last_accel_raw = raw return deepcopy(self._last_accel_raw)
@property def accel_raw(self): return self.get_accelerometer_raw() @property def accelerometer_raw(self): return self.get_accelerometer_raw()